It is so hot today, it took a lot of effort to get myself to do any work. I kind of just wanted to lie on my bed reading the whole time, in close proximity to a fan. I keep reminding myself that it’s not so bad, it’s definitely hotter than last year, but nothing like Summers 2005 and 2006.
I’ve been learning:
How to make a burlesque bustle skirt. Just in case the days get longer and my need for sleep decreases and someone gives me a load of the right kind of fabric. Well, it could happen. I won’t rule it out.
I’ve been contemplating the purchase of:
Every mini hat and fascinator sold by Accessorize. Don’t go running to their website, the selection available online is severely limited. In stores, however…I was in there the other day looking for a new pair of sunglasses (I broke two pairs within the space of a fortnight just before it got bright enough for them to become really essential, sad times) and after I’d looked and was disappointed, I still had to wait for my sister to look at flip flops so I wandered over to check out the headwear. I tried most of them on and developed some serious crushes. My favourite features a mini black top hat with feathers and veil. Unfortunately I do not have a spare £20 that I absolutely cannot spend on anything else, so I had to put them all down and walk away.
I have been giggling at:
This poem on the subject of feminist pick-up lines. ‘Your paradigm or mine?’
I agree with:
Everything in the article, The truth about writers. I can’t explain how true it is or it would spoil the article for you.
And finally, kittens:
Oooh, I wish I were confident enough in my sewing abilities to try my hand at that awesome burlesque skirt!
Hi, found your blog through your post in the Blog thread at EA boards ^__^
Good luck with that bustle skirt, it looks really good and the steps are very straight forward. Actually, I might give it a go as well once I buy a new sewing machine (my current one's on its last legs…)
Alice – Me too! I think I'm going to have to practice a whole lot first.
Ria – Hello! Welcome! The EA boards are actually the second biggest source of traffic to this blog, it's amazing! I hope you stick around, there are several regular commenters who are EA fans too. I am planning some more EA-themed posts, how to be a casually wayward Victorian girl will be one…
Oh I loved your reasons for learnign to make the bustle skirt 🙂 I saw the pics and I can see why though. I think I may make one out of an old sari or bulk bought curtain materian (sound of music style). That would work wouldn't it?
pixelhazard – I don't see why not, as long as the fabric is the right weight – not so heavy it's stiff and doesn't move (have to be able to dance in it, of course), not so light it won't hold the shape – it should work.